Dr Paolo Actis

Position: University Academic Fellow

Areas of expertise: nanopores; biosensor; single-cell analysis; bionanotechnology

Email: P.Actis@leeds.ac.uk

Phone: +44(0)113 343 4625

Location: 4.67

WebsiteTwitter | LinkedIn | Google scholar


I am a University Academic Fellow (assistant professor for the US folks) at the University of Leeds in the School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

I am developing nanoprobes for single-cell analysis and manipulation with single molecule resolution. After graduating with a PhD from the Grenoble Institute of Technology (FR), I spent 4 years in California working on my tan at NASA Ames (US) and UC Santa Cruz (US) before crossing the pond again to lose my tan at Imperial College London (UK). I then spent two years at Bio Nano Consulting as a Consultant & Project Manager

I love playing beach volleyball and cooking (I make the best Lasagna this side of the Channel) and I used to surf and practice Krav Maga (with very mediocre results)

Research interests

Our beauty is in our differences. This is true down to the level of individual molecules that make up our body. I am working with biologists and physicians to understand the deepest difference between healthy cells and diseased cells

My research plan aims to develop a new platform for single-cell analysis and manipulation to study the dynamic function of individual cells in heterogeneous populations with single-molecule resolution

My five most recent selected publications

  • Paulose Nadappuram B, Cadinu P, Barik A, Ainscough AJ, Devine MJ, Kang M, Gonzalez-Garcia J, Kittler JT, Willison KR, Vilar R, Actis P, Wojciak-Stothard B, Oh S-H, Ivanov AP, Edel JB. 2019. Nanoscale Tweezers for Single Cell Biopsies. Nature Nanotechnology. 80-88 14  
  • Paulose Nadappuram B, Cadinu P, Barik A, Ainscough AJ, Devine MJ, Kang M, Gonzalez-Garcia J, Kittler JT, Willison KR, Vilar R, Actis P, Wojciak-Stothard B, Oh S-H, Ivanov AP, Edel JB. 2019. Nanoscale Tweezers for Single Cell Biopsies. Nature Nanotechnology. 80-88 14  
  • Paulose Nadappuram B, Cadinu P, Barik A, Ainscough AJ, Devine MJ, Kang M, Gonzalez-Garcia J, Kittler JT, Willison KR, Vilar R, Actis P, Wojciak-Stothard B, Oh S-H, Ivanov AP, Edel JB. 2019. Nanoscale Tweezers for Single Cell Biopsies. Nature Nanotechnology. 80-88 14  
  • Paulose Nadappuram B, Cadinu P, Barik A, Ainscough AJ, Devine MJ, Kang M, Gonzalez-Garcia J, Kittler JT, Willison KR, Vilar R, Actis P, Wojciak-Stothard B, Oh S-H, Ivanov AP, Edel JB. 2019. Nanoscale Tweezers for Single Cell Biopsies. Nature Nanotechnology. 80-88 14  
  • Paulose Nadappuram B, Cadinu P, Barik A, Ainscough AJ, Devine MJ, Kang M, Gonzalez-Garcia J, Kittler JT, Willison KR, Vilar R, Actis P, Wojciak-Stothard B, Oh S-H, Ivanov AP, Edel JB. 2019. Nanoscale Tweezers for Single Cell Biopsies. Nature Nanotechnology. 80-88 14