
Paper Title (Times New Roman 14)

First author’s first name and family name1, Second author’s first name and family name2, and Third author’s first name and family name3

1First author’s affiliation, City, Country

2Second author’s affiliation, City, Country

3Third author’s affiliation, City, Country


The instructions are written in the format required for the abstract of the paper for the 2nd International Conference on Engineering Sciences. The conference will be held at the University of Kerbala in Kerbala, Iraq on 26-27 March 2018. The abstract should be written on A4 page (21cm x 29.7cm) and should not exceed 200 words. Page margins should be 2.5 cm for top, left and right margins and 2 cm for bottom margin. Use font type Times New Roman, with single spaced lines. Title of the paper (style: “Paper_Title”, 14 points, centered) could span in maximum two rows. Author’s names are written (style: “Authors”, 12 points, centered) with first name followed by family name and are written in full. Authors are separated by commas and marked with superscript when necessary to distinguish authors from different affiliations. Author’s affiliations (style: “Author’s affiliations”, 12 points, italic, centered) are written in separate rows when there are more than one and last is followed by one blank line. Abstract text (style “Text Abstract”, 11 points) is justified on middle; paragraphs are not indented.

The abstracts (PDF or Word-file) are to be submitted electronically to:


Corresponding author’s email: valid email address



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