Fluid chemistry laboratory

It is considered one of the important laboratories that complement the theoretical material, which specializes in studying the flow of fluids inside pipes, the properties of fluids, how to deal with them, and comparing them to petroleum fluids.

Oil and gas properties laboratory

Students are trained to diagnose various oil specifications and determine their physical and chemical properties using modern equipment that keeps pace with developments in the oil industry.

Geological laboratory

It is one of the important laboratories that a petroleum engineer must be familiar with, because his work is concerned with knowing the layers of the earth that contain crude oil, and it is taught to first and second stage students.

Engineering drawing

It is considered one of the basic materials given to all engineering departments in the first stage, and it is integrated in terms of the availability of materials and engineering drawing tables (boards).

Drilling laboratory

It is one of the important laboratories in petroleum engineering, as it includes a group of experiments that revolve around measuring the various properties that the drilling engineer needs in the future for different models of fluids resulting from the drilling process.

Chemistry laboratory

The general chemistry laboratory includes the application of the necessary scientific experiments in the field of specialization through the performance of practical experiments distributed according to the theoretical subject, represented by analytical chemistry experiments, organic chemistry experiments, and physical chemistry experiments and their applications in the field of oil and the oil industry.

Computer lab

The computer lab is concerned with applying the theoretical material given in the lecture to a practical application, as the student uses modern programs to learn about the basics of computers and programming in several languages, such as (visual basic), the Fortran language, and the MATLAB language and its engineering applications in the field of petroleum engineering and oil industries. This laboratory also includes a numerical methods laboratory, where The theoretical methods of the Numerical Methods course are applied practically

Reservoir simulation laboratory

Due to the development and reliance on software at the present time, the reservoir simulation test is considered one of the modern tools that takes it upon itself to put the student in direct contact with that software so that he has sufficient experience in order to model and build different models, whether in geology, reservoirs, production, etc., as this laboratory is considered A practical application of the theoretical study material: Reservoir simulation

Reservoir laboratory

It is one of the laboratories on which petroleum engineering is practically based, as it is concerned with everything that includes the applied study of the reservoir in terms of knowing the various core measurements such as porosity, permeability, etc.