Amaster’s thesis was discussed at the College of Engineering at the University of Kerbala in the Civil Engineering Department, entitled: (Experimental behaviour of composite castellated beams under repeat load) by researcher Nour Al-Huda Kadhem Hussein.
This study focused on conducting experimental and numerical analyses to examine the performance of composite cellular bridges under repetitive and static loading. It is interested in studying several parameters, including the shapes of the holes (hexagonal, circular, and square), the spacing between shear nails, and the reinforcement.

The study revealed that some factors significantly affect the safety of beams. The study also compares digital simulations with experimental results using ABAQUS/Explicit software. The results also showed that the bridge agreement rate reached a high level of accuracy of about 93.67% in predicting the ultimate load and curve shape (load and displacement). This study provides valuable insights into the design of composite cellular bridges.
The thesis was approved by the discussion committee, which consisted of Professor Dr. Sajjad Amer Hamza / College of Engineering, University of Kerbala (Chairman), Assistant Professor Dr. Sherine Qasim Abdel Reda / Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University (Member), and Dr. Mustafa Muhammad Rahim / University of Kerbala, College of Engineering (Member)/And Assistant Professor Dr. Bahaa Hussein Muhammad/College of Engineering, University of Kerbala (Member and Supervisor)/And Professor Dr. Ali Ghanem Abbas/College of Engineering, University of Kerbala (Member and Supervisor).