The College of Engineering Announces the Launch of the Fifth International Conference on Engineering Sciences.

Dear Researchers,

 We are pleased to announce to you the beginning of the Fifth International Conference on Engineering Sciences, which will be held from 28-29 December 2021 in the College of Engineering/ University of Karbala. Where you shared with us the successes of the previous versions by your contributions in distinguished researches and scientific activities, which gave us the incentive to achieve the best in this version, despite the world is experiencing from the continuation of the Covid-19 pandemic. 

My dear, the scientific and research movement will not be stopped because of your continuity and contribution in what it is. We look forward to see you at the University of Karbala through your participations in distinguished researches in our fifth international conference.

Finally, my wishes for all humanity to be safe and healthy and May Allah bless and help us to beat the pandemic and you are in full health and wellness.