The  Dean of the College of Engineering  Assistant Professor Dr. Laith Shaker Rashid Al-Qarawi, the Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs, the heads of the departments of architecture and biomedical engineering, and a number of teachers for both departments attended  a graduation ceremony for under graduation students.

The College of Engineering / University of Karbala held a graduation ceremony to take a graduation photo for under graduate students from the departments of Architecture and Biomedical Engineering for the academic year 2020-2021.

The Dean indicated that this occasion is one of the dearest moments in the hearts of the Deanship faculty of the College because of its educational impression in the Iraqi society, as it contributes in the development and urging of graduate students  to reflect the sciences and knowledge they acquired on the reality of their work in order to serve our beloved country, Iraq.

 The students expressed their happiness on this occasion and their great thanks for the deanship and the knowledge that has been given to them by the college for their success, despite the hard conditions that afflicted the world in the past two years.