The College of Engineering holds its eighth session for the 2021-2022 academic year, coinciding with the births of holy Imams.

The Council of the College of Engineering held its eighth session for the academic year 2021-2022 in conjunction with the births of the holy imams in the blessed month of Sha’ban, where the Council extended its sincere congratulations and blessings to Imam Mahdi, (peace upon him) and to the position of the rational guidance  and…

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The Deanship of the College of Engineering sponsors the establishment of a scientific symposium in the Department of Architecture Engineering

      The Department of Architecture Engineering held a scientific symposium tagged “Urban Numbering for the Holy City of Karbala”, which was held at the headquarter of the University of Karbala, in the presence of a large group of government departments and institutions, the representative of the Governor of Karbala, the Honourable President of the University,…

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The College of Engineering holds its eighth meeting for the 2021-2022 academic year, that is happily coinciding with the happy births of Imam Hussain, Al-Abbas, Imam Al-Sajjad and Imam Al-Mahdi (Pease be upon them).

The Council of the College of Engineering held its eighth session for the academic year 2021-2022 in conjunction with the births of the holy beings of imams in the blessed month of Sha’ban, where the Council stated its sincere congratulations and blessings to the awaited Imam Mahdi, may God hasten his honorable reappearance and to the position of the

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A research group from the University of Karbala, the University of Warith Al-Anbiya (peace be upon him) and other Arabic universities publishes scientific research in a world-class international journal

Within the framework of the joint cooperation between the two universities, Dr Muhammad Hassan Abboud, professor at the University of Karbala / College of Engineering, published scientific research in cooperation with Dr Ali Basem Muhammad Ali from the University of Warith Al-Anbiya and Arab researchers from Benha University

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