For the purpose of promoting scientific integration and communication between institutions of higher education and other sectors represented by the practical and applied field departments, the Biomedical Engineering Department at the College of Engineering / University of Karbala held a scientific visit to Imam Hassan Al-Mujtaba (peace be upon him) Educational Hospital and under the supervision of the department’s head and a group of teachers and students.

During this visit, the working mechanism of many devices, such as devices (ECG, Ventilator, cautery) was reviewed, and the way to find solutions to their problems, and the sterilization and x-ray department were reviewed, and the delegation thanked all the hospital staff for their efforts in enriching the students’ information. The Deanship of the College of Engineering and its scientific departments encourage carrying out such activities in order to effectively contribute to enhancing the practical aspect of our college students through their practical life of their scientific specialization.