The assistant professor Muhammed Niaama Ahmed Al ghanimy was chosen as a member of the Master’s thesis discussion committee, to discuss the student Wisam Abdullatif Ismaeel, which was held in full professor Dr. Hafidh Ibrahim Naji hall, in the civil engineering department of the college of engineering at University of Diyala, for the thesis which entitled “The management of commands of change for the Iraqi construction projects”.

The committee included the following faculty:

  1. Full professor Waleed Mustafa Khamas/Structural engineering management/University of Sulaymaniyah/college of engineering/as a committee head.
  2. Assistant professor Dr. Abbas Maddi Abd/ Structural engineering management/University of Diyala/college of engineering/ as a member.
  3. Assistant professor Dr. Muhammed Niaama Ahmed/ Structural engineering management/University of Diyala/college of engineering/ as a member.
  4. Full professor Dr. Hafidh Ibrahim Naji / Structural engineering management/University of Diyala/college of engineering/ as a supervisor.

The thesis aimed to state the reasons for commands of change in the structural projects, to take the preventive measures to minimize its effect, as well as to build a simulated system to study the effects of these changes on both cost and project finishing time.

After the completion of discussion, the committee recommended to accept the thesis for its requirement fulfillments of master degree.