The College of Engineering at the University of Karbala organizes a workshop with the Engineers Syndicate, Karbala branch
In reference to the memorandum of cooperation between the College of Engineering at the University of Karbala and the Engineers Syndicate, Karbala Branch, the College of Engineering organized a workshop on information security delivered by Assistant Professor Dr. Ali Fawzi Najm Al-Shammari, teaching in the College of Engineering, and Dr. Ahmed Saleh Ghafel, teaching in the College of Computer Science and Information Technology.
The symposium began with the consulting engineer Wassim Al-Sarraj, head of the Electrical Engineering Division, by explaining the main axes on the basis of which the symposium topic was chosen, which are the first axis, the process of the government’s rapid move towards digital automation, the second axis, the digital economy and its importance, and ways to protect against fraud, and the third axis. The importance of the aforementioned topics, challenges, and methods of treatment. He also touched on some problems related to the enactment of laws and others.
Our university lecturers addressed all the challenges facing the three main axes, the ways in which they are dealt with, methods of protecting and preserving the privacy and security of data, answering all inquiries of specialists from the audience, and the methods currently used in universities to develop protection methods.
Professor Ahmed Maamour, Head of the Decision Support and Information Technology Department, also addressed the challenges and problems that hinder the process of rapid transformation towards automation in all state institutions and ways to address them.
At the end of the important symposium, in light of the great challenges in the automation process, a set of recommendations that everyone must take in order to achieve security and maintain information security as much as possible in light of the fierce attack in the information technology sector.