A master’s thesis was submitted to the College of Engineering/Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Kerbala, entitled (A Laboratory Study of Determining the Desert Soil Infiltration of Karbala with Different Slopes and Rainfall Intensities) by Ayoub Hatem Abdel-Jabbar.
In the study laboratory infiltration test devices consisting of a rain mimic unit and a water catchment unit. The rate of infiltration and surface runoff were studied for different rainwater intensities, the slope of the soil surface, and moisture contents.
The researcher was able to determine postural equations for the rate of infiltration and surface runoff of rainwater in the Karbala desert’s soil. In addition, the findings were found to be applicable for further studies and applications.
The thesis was approved by the discussion committee, which consisted of Professor Dr. Musa Habib (University of Kerbala) as Chairman, Professor Dr. Fadel Muhammad Zahir (Al-Furat Technical University/Technical Institute) as a member, and Dr. Maad Farouk Hussein (University of Kerbala) as a member. Membership and supervision of Professor Dr. Hussam Hadi Alwan (University of Kerbala) and Assistant Professor Dr. Riyad Jassim Muhammad (University of Kerbala).