Where the Journal started on 2020 periodically with four issues per year, to cover a lot of fields, engineering applications as well as scientific applications to support and enhance the novel researches according to accredited scientific rules, whether these researches used for scientific promotion and others.
The dean thanked all sincere efforts which brought up this Journal, and the college looking forward to be as a respectable scientific resource for all researchers (faculty and postgraduate students) for universities, and all scientific institutes by publishing up-to-date researches and scientific achievements in all engineering sciences sectors.
It’s noteworthy the publishing of researches is done according to scientific rules and discreet procedures based on the following steps:
- Receiving the research.
- Plagiarism checking
- Sent it to scientific referees
- Issue the research acceptance to be published.
Theses researches then, published through the Journal season issues, knowing that the journal is available on the college of engineering- University of Kerbala web site with open access.